What is included in the Sims 4 Base game?
The Sims 4
The Sims 4 Guide
What is included in the Sims 4 Base game?
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What does it mean if the Sims 4 has a base game? Well, when the Sims 4 was released, you’ll receive the base version of the game. The Sims 4 was available last 2014 and there have been numerous updates that have been provided over the years in the form of expansions and additional content. Depending on the type of Sims 4 you have purchased, you can get different expansions added already. When downloading the Sims 4, all versions of the game have one thing in common and this is the base game.

The base game is necessary before you purchase any other expansion and content. The basic gameplay elements of Sims 4 are provided in the base game, this also means that the capabilities of your sims, the locations in the game, and some tools when creating your world have a specific amount included in.
The base game lets you experience the following features:
Create A Sim
Careers, Traits, and Aspirations
Family Tree
Building relationships
Life stages (Baby, Toddler, Child, Teenager, Young Adult, Adult, Elder)
Expanded Gender Options (Hairstyles and outfits for both male and female available and more)
Build and Buy Mode for neighborhoods and landscaping
The Gallery (Social features to import Sims, lots, and publishing your creation)
Different base worlds and lots
Starting out with the base game will provide you with a select number of neighborhoods that you can choose your Sim to live in. Other locations of the game can be acquired through the game’s expansions. You’ll also be able to have different collections of items in the game that you can acquire based on the purchase that you have created.
Once you have purchased any expansion or pack, it will be added on top of your base game therefore you’ll have more access to features such as locations, careers, skills, and more. Some of these will provide brand new ways to play the game as well.
This covers our overview of the game, please stay tuned in our website as we cover different aspects of gameplay. We’ll provide you with guides, tips, and tricks in order for you to have a better experience.

The Sims 4 Base Game Default Neighborhoods
The base game is necessary before you purchase any other expansion and content. The basic gameplay elements of Sims 4 are provided in the base game, this also means that the capabilities of your sims, the locations in the game, and some tools when creating your world have a specific amount included in.
The base game lets you experience the following features:
Starting out with the base game will provide you with a select number of neighborhoods that you can choose your Sim to live in. Other locations of the game can be acquired through the game’s expansions. You’ll also be able to have different collections of items in the game that you can acquire based on the purchase that you have created.
Once you have purchased any expansion or pack, it will be added on top of your base game therefore you’ll have more access to features such as locations, careers, skills, and more. Some of these will provide brand new ways to play the game as well.
This covers our overview of the game, please stay tuned in our website as we cover different aspects of gameplay. We’ll provide you with guides, tips, and tricks in order for you to have a better experience.