Traits Cheats
The Sims 4
The Sims 4 Guide
Traits Cheats
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Later in the game, you’ll get to place reward traits as well that you can purchase from the satisfaction store. But what if you want to change the traits of your Sim? In this guide, we’ll be providing you with the cheats that are available for Traits and Reward Traits so you can fine tune your Sim’s personality!
How to add and remove Traits
The first traits that you’ll get to see in the game are the ones that you can assign when creating your Sim. Thanks to cheats, we’ll get access to commands that we can add in the Cheat’s console in order for us to modify our Sim’s traits. If you don’t know how to open the cheats console yet, please don’t forget to take a look at our guide in the following page: How to CheatOnce the Cheat console is enabled, you can add and remove traits using two cheat codes. These are the basic cheats for traits, and you’ll just need to know the corresponding trait code after:
traits.equip_trait TraitName
traits.remove_trait TraitName
As the Cheat code implies, one is for equipping traits and one is for removing them. The game also accepts traits.equip_trait_TraitName and traits.remove_trait_TraitName and sometimes this version is the one that’s needed.

Sims 4 Traits
Create a Sim and Bonus Traits
Now that you know how to add and remove traits, you’ll want to know which trait names are available that you can equip or remove. In this list, we are providing you with the create a sim traits, as well as bonus traits from aspirations in alphabetical order according to their trait code name. The entire cheat code is provided so you can simply copy and paste this on your cheat console: Trait Name | Equip Cheat Code | Remove Cheat Code |
Active | traits.equip_trait_Active | traits.remove_trait_Active |
Alluring (Love Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_Alluring | traits.remove_trait_Alluring |
Ambitious | traits.equip_trait_Ambitious | traits.remove_trait_Ambitious |
Art Lover | traits.equip_trait_ArtLover | traits.remove_trait_ArtLover |
Bookworm | traits.equip_trait_Bookworm | traits.remove_trait_Bookworm |
Bro | traits.equip_trait_Bro | traits.remove_trait_Bro |
Business Savvy (Fortune Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_Business_Savvy | traits.remove_trait_Business_Savvy |
Cat Lover (Cats and Dogs) | traits.equip_trait_CatLover | traits.remove_trait_CatLover |
Cheerful | traits.equip_trait_Cheerful | traits.remove_trait_Cheerful |
Childish | traits.equip_trait_Childish | traits.remove_trait_Childish |
Child of the Ocean (Sims Island Living) | traits.equip_trait_ChildofTheOcean | traits.remove_trait_ChildofTheOcean |
Clumsy | traits.equip_trait_Clumsy | traits.remove_trait_Clumsy |
Collector (Nature Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_Collector | traits.remove_trait_Collector |
Noncommittal | traits.equip_trait_CommitmentIssues | traits.remove_trait_CommitmentIssues |
Creative | traits.equip_trait_Creative | traits.remove_trait_Creative |
Dance Machine (Get Together) | traits.equip_trait_DanceMachine | traits.remove_trait_DanceMachine |
Dastardly (Deviance Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_Dastardly | traits.remove_trait_Dastardly |
Dog Lover (Cats and Dogs) | traits.equip_trait_DogLover | traits.remove_trait_DogLover |
Essence of Flavor (Food Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_EssenceOfFlavor | traits.remove_trait_EssenceOfFlavor |
Evil | traits.equip_trait_Evil | traits.remove_trait_Evil |
Family Oriented | traits.equip_trait_FamilyOriented | traits.remove_trait_FamilyOriented |
Domestic (Family Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_FamilySim | traits.remove_trait_FamilySim |
Foodie | traits.equip_trait_Foodie | traits.remove_trait_Foodie |
Freegan (Eco Lifestyle) | traits.equip_trait_Freegan | traits.remove_trait_Freegan |
Geek | traits.equip_trait_Geek | traits.remove_trait_Geek |
Genius | traits.equip_trait_Genius | traits.remove_trait_Genius |
Gloomy | traits.equip_trait_Gloomy | traits.remove_trait_Gloomy |
Glutton | traits.equip_trait_Glutton | traits.remove_trait_Glutton |
Good | traits.equip_trait_Good | traits.remove_trait_Good |
Goofball | traits.equip_trait_Goofball | traits.remove_trait_Goofball |
Green Fiend (Eco Lifestyle) | traits.equip_trait_GreenFiend | traits.remove_trait_GreenFiend |
Gregarious (Popularity Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_Gregarious | traits.remove_trait_Gregarious |
Hates Children | traits.equip_trait_HatesChildren | traits.remove_trait_HatesChildren |
High Metabolism (Athletic Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_High_Metabolism | traits.remove_trait_High_Metabolism |
Home Turf (Location Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_HomeTurf | traits.remove_trait_HomeTurf |
Hot Headed | traits.equip_trait_HotHeaded | traits.remove_trait_HotHeaded |
Erratic | traits.equip_trait_Insane | traits.remove_trait_Insane |
Insider (Get Together) | traits.equip_trait_Insider | traits.remove_trait_Insider |
Child of the Islands (Island Living) | traits.equip_trait_IslandAncestors | traits.remove_trait_IslandAncestors |
Jealous | traits.equip_trait_Jealous | traits.remove_trait_Jealous |
Kleptomaniac | traits.equip_trait_Kleptomaniac | traits.remove_trait_Kleptomaniac |
Lazy | traits.equip_trait_Lazy | traits.remove_trait_Lazy |
Loner | traits.equip_trait_Loner | traits.remove_trait_Loner |
Loves Outdoors | traits.equip_trait_LovesOutdoors | traits.remove_trait_LovesOutdoors |
Maker (Eco Lifestyle) | traits.equip_trait_Maker | traits.remove_trait_Maker |
Materialsitic | traits.equip_trait_Materialistic | traits.remove_trait_Materialistic |
Mean | traits.equip_trait_Mean | traits.remove_trait_Mean |
Muser (Creativity Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_Muser | traits.remove_trait_Muser |
Music Lover | traits.equip_trait_MusicLover | traits.remove_trait_MusicLover |
Neat | traits.equip_trait_Neat | traits.remove_trait_Neat |
Outgoing | traits.equip_trait_Outgoing | traits.remove_trait_Outgoing |
Paranoid (StrangerVille) | traits.equip_trait_Paranoid | traits.remove_trait_Paranoid |
Perectionist | traits.equip_trait_Perfectionist | traits.remove_trait_Perfectionist |
Quick Learner (Knowledge Aspiration) | traits.equip_trait_Quick_Learner | traits.remove_trait_Quick_Learner |
Recycle Disciple (Eco Lifestyle) | traits.equip_trait_RecycleDisciple | traits.remove_trait_RecycleDisciple |
Romantic | traits.equip_trait_Romantic | traits.remove_trait_Romantic |
Self Absorbed (Get Famous) | traits.equip_trait_SelfAbsorbed | traits.remove_trait_SelfAbsorbed |
Self Assured | traits.equip_trait_SelfAssured | traits.remove_trait_SelfAssured |
Slob | traits.equip_trait_Slob | traits.remove_trait_Slob |
Snob | traits.equip_trait_Snob | traits.remove_trait_Snob |
Squeamish (Outdoor Retreat) | traits.equip_trait_Squeamish | traits.remove_trait_Squeamish |
Unflirty (City Living) | traits.equip_trait_Unflirty | traits.remove_trait_Unflirty |
Vegetarian (City Living) | traits.equip_trait_Vegetarian | traits.remove_trait_Vegetarian |
Aspiration Traits
Your Sim’s personality will include different factors like the traits that you have chosen. However, you can choose an Aspiration for your Sim that will provide the with different goals in life. In the Sims 4, one of the rewards for completing aspirational goals for your Sims are special traits. This means that completing different aspirations will provide you with different kinds of trait bonuses.This however, can take some time since there are a lot of tasks that you need to accomplish. Thanks to cheats, you can get the reward bonuses for each aspiration. You can check the list below for the cheat codes available for these specific traits:
Trait Name | Aspiration | Equip Cheat Code | Remove Cheat Code |
Angler's Tranquility | Angling Ace | traits.equip_trait_AnglersTranquility | traits.remove_trait_AnglersTranquility |
Appraiser | The Curator | traits.equip_trait_Appraiser | traits.remove_trait_Appraiser |
Beloved | Friend of the World | traits.equip_trait_Legendary | traits.remove_trait_Legendary |
Companion | Soulmate | traits.equip_trait_EternalBond | traits.remove_trait_EternalBond |
Expressionistic | Painter Extraordinaire | traits.equip_trait_Expressionistic | traits.remove_trait_Expressionistic |
Fresh Chef | Master Chef | traits.equip_trait_FreshChef | traits.remove_trait_FreshChef |
Handy | Nerd Brain | traits.equip_trait_TheKnack | traits.remove_trait_TheKnack |
Hero Of StrangerVille | StrangerVille Mystery (StrangerVille) | traits.equip_trait_HeroOfStrangerVille | traits.remove_trait_HeroOfStrangerVille |
Hilarious | Joke Star | traits.equip_trait_Hilarious | traits.remove_trait_Hilarious |
I am The Master | Vampire Family (Vampires) | traits.equip_trait_TheMaster | traits.remove_trait_TheMaster |
In The Know | Ciy Native (City Living) | traits.equip_trait_InTheKnow | traits.remove_trait_InTheKnow |
Influential Individual | Eco Innovator (Eco Lifestyle) | traits.equip_trait_InfluentialIndividual | traits.remove_trait_InfluentialIndividual |
Long Lived | Bodybuilder | traits.equip_trait_Longevity | traits.remove_trait_Longevity |
Master Maker | Master Maker (Eco Lifestyle) | traits.equip_trait_MasterMaker | traits.remove_trait_MasterMaker |
Mastermind | Public Enemy | traits.equip_trait_Mastermind | traits.remove_trait_Mastermind |
Melt Master | Grilled Cheese | traits.equip_trait_MeltMaster | traits.remove_trait_MeltMaster |
Natural Leader | Leader of the Pack (Get Together) | traits.equip_trait_ClubPresident | traits.remove_trait_ClubPresident |
Naturalist | Freelance Botanist | traits.equip_trait_OneWithNature | traits.remove_trait_OneWithNature |
Patriach/Matriarch | Big Happy Family | traits.equip_trait_PaMatriarch | traits.remove_trait_PaMatriarch |
Perfect Host | Party Animal | traits.equip_trait_PerfectHost | traits.remove_trait_PerfectHost |
Piper | Musical Genius | traits.equip_trait_Piper | traits.remove_trait_Piper |
Player | Serial Romantic | traits.equip_trait_Player | traits.remove_trait_Player |
Poetic | Bestselling Author | traits.equip_trait_EpicPoet | traits.remove_trait_EpicPoet |
Potion Master | Master Mixologist | traits.equip_trait_PotionMaster | traits.remove_trait_PotionMaster |
Professorial | Renaissance Sim | traits.equip_trait_Chronicler | traits.remove_trait_Chronicler |
Regained Humanity | Good Vampire (Vampires) | traits.equip_trait_RegainedHumanity | traits.remove_trait_RegainedHumanity |
Role Model | Super Parent (Parenthood) | traits.equip_trait_SuperParent_RoleModel | traits.remove_trait_SuperParent_RoleModel |
Shrewd | Fabulously Wealthy | traits.equip_trait_Invested | traits.remove_trait_Invested |
Survivalist | Outdoor Enthusiast (Outdoor Retreat) | traits.equip_trait_Survivalist | traits.remove_trait_Survivalist |
Thrifty | Mansion Baron Aspiration | traits.equip_trait_ValuedCustomer | traits.remove_trait_ValuedCustomer |
Tormentor | Mischief | traits.equip_trait_Bane | traits.remove_trait_Bane |
True Master | Master Vampire (Vampires) | traits.equip_trait_TrueMaster | traits.remove_trait_TrueMaster |
Unstoppable Fame | World Famous Celebrity (Get Famous) | traits.equip_trait_UnstoppableFame | traits.remove_trait_UnstoppableFame |
Vicarious | Successful Lineage | traits.equip_trait_LivingVicariously | traits.remove_trait_LivingVicariously |
Webmaster | Computer Whiz | traits.equip_trait_Webmaster | traits.remove_trait_Webmaster |
World Renowned Actor | Master Actress (Get Famous) | traits.equip_trait_WorldRenownedActor | traits.remove_trait_WorldRenownedActor |
Children’s Aspiration Traits
You might be wondering about Aspirations of Children in the Sims 4. Since a lot of the options for Aspirations involve careers for adults, there is a different category for children as well. Their Aspirations are different because completing these can provide reward traits that will help out their adult lives which is quite handy.Unlike adults however, their aspiration trait list isn’t as extensive therefore this should be easy for you to get. Here is the list of all aspiration traits that you can get for children:
Trait Name | Aspiration | Equip Cheat Code | Remove Cheat Code |
Creatively Gifted | Artistic Prodigy | traits.equip_trait_CreativelyGifted | traits.remove_trait_CreativelyGifted |
Mentally Gifted | Whiz Kid | traits.equip_trait_MentallyGifted | traits.remove_trait_MentallyGifted |
Physically Gifted | Rambunctious Scamp | traits.equip_trait_PhysicallyGifted | traits.remove_trait_PhysicallyGifted |
Scouting Aptitude | Finish Scouts (Seasons) | traits.equip_trait_ScoutingAptitude | traits.remove_trait_ScoutingAptitude |
Socially Gifted | Social Butterfly | traits.equip_trait_SociallyGifted | traits.remove_trait_SociallyGifted |
Reward Store Traits
You might be wondering if you can also add cheats to use the traits that you can get from the reward store. Whenever you have completed aspirations, you receive satisfaction points which is a currency that’s used in the store. You might notice that there are traits there that you can purchase.These work the same as regular ones, and there are indeed some cheats that you can use in order to add them to your Sim. These are one of your end-game traits since they provide great bonuses. We have compiled the list of traits and codes so you can simply copy and paste them as well.
Trait Name | Equip Cheat Code | Remove Cheat Code |
Always Welcome | traits.equip_trait_AlwaysWelcome | traits.remove_trait_AlwaysWelcome |
Antiseptic | traits.equip_trait_Antiseptic | traits.remove_trait_Antiseptic |
Beguiling | traits.equip_trait_Beguiling | traits.remove_trait_Beguiling |
HeatProof (Seasons) | traits.equip_trait_BurningMan | traits.remove_trait_BurningMan |
Carefree | traits.equip_trait_Carefree | traits.remove_trait_Carefree |
Cold Acclimation (Seasons) | traits.equip_trait_ColdAcclimation | traits.remove_trait_ColdAcclimation |
Connections | traits.equip_trait_Connections | traits.remove_trait_Connections |
Creative Visionary | traits.equip_trait_CreativeVisionary | traits.remove_trait_CreativeVisionary |
Entrepreneurial | traits.equip_trait_Entrepreneurial | traits.remove_trait_Entrepreneurial |
Fertile | traits.equip_trait_Fertile | traits.remove_trait_Fertile |
Forever Fresh | traits.equip_trait_ForeverFresh | traits.remove_trait_ForeverFresh |
Forever Full | traits.equip_trait_ForeverFull | traits.remove_trait_ForeverFull |
Free Services | traits.equip_trait_FreeServices | traits.remove_trait_FreeServices |
Frugal | traits.equip_trait_Frugal | traits.remove_trait_Frugal |
Great Kisser | traits.equip_trait_GreatKisser | traits.remove_trait_GreatKisser |
Great Storyteller (Outdoor Retreat) | traits.equip_trait_GreatStoryteller | traits.remove_trait_GreatStoryteller |
Gym Rat | traits.equip_trait_GymRat | traits.remove_trait_GymRat |
Hardly Hungry | traits.equip_trait_HardlyHungry | traits.remove_trait_HardlyHungry |
Heat Acclimation (Seasons) | traits.equip_trait_HeatAcclimation | traits.remove_trait_HeatAcclimation |
Iceproof (Seasons) | traits.equip_trait_IceMan | traits.remove_trait_IceMan |
Incredibly Friendly (Outdoor Retreat) | traits.equip_trait_IncrediblyFriendly | traits.remove_trait_IncrediblyFriendly |
Independent | traits.equip_trait_Independent | traits.remove_trait_Independent |
Marketable | traits.equip_trait_Marketable | traits.remove_trait_Marketable |
Mentor | traits.equip_trait_Mentor | traits.remove_trait_Mentor |
Morning Sim | traits.equip_trait_MorningPerson | traits.remove_trait_MorningPerson |
Needs No One | traits.equip_trait_NeedsNoOne | traits.remove_trait_NeedsNoOne |
Never Weary | traits.equip_trait_NeverWeary | traits.remove_trait_NeverWeary |
Night Owl | traits.equip_trait_NightOwl | traits.remove_trait_NightOwl |
Observant | traits.equip_trait_Observant | traits.remove_trait_Observant |
Professional Slacker | traits.equip_trait_ProfessionalSlacker | traits.remove_trait_ProfessionalSlacker |
Savant | traits.equip_trait_Savant | traits.remove_trait_Savant |
Seldom Sleepy | traits.equip_trait_SeldomSleepy | traits.remove_trait_SeldomSleepy |
Shameless | traits.equip_trait_Shameless | traits.remove_trait_Shameless |
Speed Cleaner | traits.equip_trait_SpeedCleaner | traits.remove_trait_SpeedCleaner |
Speed Reader | traits.equip_trait_SpeedReader | traits.remove_trait_SpeedReader |
Steel Bladder | traits.equip_trait_SteelBladder | traits.remove_trait_SteelBladder |
Storm Chaser (Seasons) | traits.equip_trait_StormChaser | traits.remove_trait_StormChaser |
Super Green Thumb | traits.equip_trait_SuperGreenThumb | traits.remove_trait_SuperGreenThumb |
Waterproof (Seasons) | traits.equip_trait_Waterproof | traits.remove_trait_Waterproof |
With so much trait combinations available, there are a lot of possibilities for your Sim’s personalities! You can mix and match any traits of your choice thanks to cheats, it’s a good way for you to customize them and provide them with good bonuses. We hope that our Traits Cheat list will help you on how to add and remove the traits of your choice.
There are other cheats as well in the Sims 4 that enable you to edit your careers, skills, and even needs! Don’t forget to check our other guides as well as we have dedicated cheat pages for them through the following links:
Basic and Testing Cheats
Careers Cheats
Skills Cheats