Careers Cheats
The Sims 4
The Sims 4 Guide
Careers Cheats
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But what if you want your Sim to zip through these career paths and get promoted as fast as possible? This may not be applicable in real life, but you can do some in the Sims 4 thanks to cheats! Here we’ll be discussing the different cheats that you can order for your Sim’s career life.
Promoting and Demoting your Sims
If you have played the Sims 4 already, you’ll know that you’ll start from the bottom and work your way to the top in a career. While at work, your Sim’s performance will affect your promotional requirements, as well as completing daily tasks.
Promotion Requirements
Thanks to cheats, you can skip all of these and simply promote your Sim if you want. There is also a way for you to demote them as well down by one level if you wish. The basic cheat command you’ll use are as follows:
careers.promote x
careers.demote x
X will refer to the career that you currently have. Take note that the career names that you need to put in the x section must not contain spaces or else it won’t work. Using these commands will increase or decrease your career level by one. This means that using the promote cheat up to 10 times will let you attain the max promotional career level. You can do this simply by using Copy and Paste at the cheat console.
Promotion/Demotion Cheat List
Now that you know how to promote and demote your Sim, you might be wondering what the career codes are specifically. Some careers have longer names and spaces therefore you might now know which ones to use.We have compiled the promotion and demotion codes on the list below. We have also added career codes for kids going to gradeschool and highschool at the bottom.
Career Promotion Code | Career Demotion Code |
careers.promote actor | careers.demote actor |
careers.promote astronaut | careers.demote astronaut |
careers.promote athletic | careers.demote athletic |
careers.promote business | careers.demote business |
careers.promote civildesigner | careers.demote civildesigner |
careers.promote conservationist | careers.demote conservationist |
careers.promote criminal | careers.demote criminal |
careers.promote adult_critic | careers.demote adult_critic |
careers.promote culinary | careers.demote culinary |
careers.promote detective | careers.demote detective |
careers.promote doctor | careers.demote doctor |
careers.promote education | careers.demote education |
careers.promote engineer | careers.demote engineer |
careers.promote entertainer | careers.demote entertainer |
careers.promote adult_freelancer_artist | careers.demote adult_freelancer_artist |
careers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_maker | careers.demote adult_freelancer_agency_maker |
careers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_programmer | careers.demote adult_freelancer_agency_programmer |
careers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_writer | careers.demote adult_freelancer_agency_writer |
careers.promote adult_gardener | careers.demote adult_gardener |
careers.promote law | careers.demote law |
careers.promote military | careers.demote military |
careers.promote painter | careers.demote painter |
careers.promote activist | careers.demote activist |
careers.promote adult_active_scientist | careers.demote adult_active_scientist |
careers.promote scout | careers.demote scout |
careers.promote secretagent | careers.demote secretagent |
careers.promote socialmedia | careers.demote socialmedia |
careers.promote styleinfluencer | careers.demote styleinfluencer |
careers.promote techguru | careers.demote techguru |
careers.promote adult_writer | careers.demote adult_writer |
careers.promote gradeschool | careers.demote gradeschool |
careers.promote highschool | careers.demote highschool |
You can add and remove Careers
What if you want to have other careers for your Sims? Usually, you’ll use your phone or computer in the game in order for you to quit work and then look for a job to do this, but you can also do this using cheats!One thing that you can do as well is providing teenagers with adult jobs however this can be quite unstable and cause bugs. Before attempting this cheat, you’ll need to make sure that you save your game and have a backup of it. In order to add or remove careers, you’ll simple use the following cheats:
careers.add_career X
careers.remove_career X
You’ll replace X with the corresponding career code of your choice. You can look at the promotion and demotion codes to see the corresponding careers. This way you’ll get the career choice that you want quickly compared to going through the process of your Sim applying or resigning from a career. If you use this, as well as the promotion cheats, you can easily rack up reward traits if you have different aspirations as well per career!
We hope that our Careers cheat list will help you out if you plan to use these for your Sims. Letting them go through different careers can make your Sim’s life more interesting as well. You can swap careers if you’re bored of your current one, or simply zip your way through the top position in order to provide the benefits of your career. Don’t forget that we have other pages as well regarding Sims 4 Cheats, don’t forget to check our guides below:
Sims 4 Basic and Testing Cheats
Skills Cheats
Traits Cheats