Aspirations Guide
The Sims 4
The Sims 4 Guide
Aspirations Guide
Last Updated:
In this guide, we’ll be covering the specific aspirational goals under those categories. We hope that our guide will help you learn about the different objectives that are needed in order to complete a specific aspiration. There are many available in the game, so let’s get started!
Aspirations Recap
When creating a sim, you’re required to provide them with an aspiration from the different categories available: Athletic, Creativity, Deviance, Family, Food, Fortune, Knowledge, Love, Nature, as well as Popularity. Additionally, there are also Location Aspirations from expansions/packs, as well as Children's Aspirations. If you went straight to this guide to learn more about Aspirations, please take note that we have provided an overview about what aspirations are through this following guide:Giving your Sims Aspirations
To recap, Aspirations are your Sim’s lifetime goals and dreams. Your task is to help them achieve these by completing the requirements in their aspirations. In return, you’ll be provided with Satisfaction points that you can use in the Reward store for great consumables and reward traits. We have compiled a list of rewards available using your satisfaction points through our following guide:

Press G to open Aspirations
Since there are many kinds of Aspirations to choose from, you can change them at any time you wish by pressing ‘G’ while in live mode. But it’s good to complete a specific aspiration that you have chosen first since you’ll get a reward trait as well.
Are all Aspirations included n the base game?
If you’re starting out, and you only have the base game of the Sims 4, please take note that not all Aspirations will be available. There are numerous packs that have been provided throughout the years that provide with content and themes. Some Aspirations in the game will match these and you can only access them if you have that specific pack or expansion.
Sims 4 Aspiration List
Even so, there are a lot of aspirations available and you need to reach different milestones for each one before you complete them. Doing so will provide you with a lot of tasks that you can do in order to enjoy the game. If you want to progress faster, there are always cheats available if you don’t mind. You can complete current milestones, or add aspiration reward traits if you wish. Please check more with our following guides below:
How to Cheat
Basic and Testing Cheats
Traits Cheats
Athletic Aspirations
Lets you choose goals for your Sim what will help them develop their physical self. Your Sim will want to improve their fitness skills and work out often.Athletic Aspiration Bonus Trait: High Metabolism
Function: Helps them get in shape faster than other sims
Bodybuilder Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 5050 |
Reward Trait: | Long Lived: Long Lived lets Sims live longer lives, barring any accidents. |
Milestone I: | Basic Trainer |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Exercise Demon |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Fit to a T |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Bodybuilder |
Tasks |
Creativity Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that bring out the creative side of a Sim which includes writing, acting, music, creating, and painting. Depending on the career you choose, you can complete goals based on these fields.Creativity Aspiration Bonus Trait: Muser
Function: Increased skill gains whenever they are inspired
Bestselling Author Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4925 |
Reward Trait: | Poetic: Poetic Sims can capture life itself in a book, and wield it to bring back someone they've lost. |
Milestone I: | Fledge-linguist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Competent Wordsmith |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Novelest Novelist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Bestselling Author |
Tasks: |
Master Actor/Actress Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4025 |
Reward Trait: | World-Renowned Actor: World-Renowned Actors never fail an acting action—as far as anyone can tell… |
Milestone I: | Aspiring Actor |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Intermediate Actor |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Advanced Actor |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Master Actor |
Tasks: |
Master Maker Aspiration (Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
Total Satisfaction: | 4650 |
Reward Trait: | Muse of the Maker: Master Makers have learned all the tricks necessary to fabricate items at a reduced cost. |
Milestone I: | Jerry Rigger |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | The Better Builder |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Competent Crafter |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Master Maker |
Tasks: |
Musical Genius Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4925 |
Reward Trait: | Piper: Pipers know an arsenal of songs that have significant power over others. |
Milestone I: | Tone Deaf |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Fine Tuned |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Harmonious |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Musical Genius |
Tasks: |
Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 5000 |
Reward Trait: | Expressionistic: Expressionistic Sims have captured the essence of feeling, and can create highly emotional works of art regardless of their actual mood! |
Milestone I: | Ill at Easel |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Fine Artist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Brushing with Greatness |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Painter Extraordinaire |
Tasks: |
Deviance Aspirations
Lets you choose goals in the criminal field, letting you cause mischief and chaos. Sims can choose to become a public nuisance and fight with others as well, so their goals for this aspiration will be very naughty in nature.Creativity Aspiration Bonus Trait: Dastardly
Function: Dastardly Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions.
Chief of Mischief Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4425 |
Reward Trait: | Tormentor: Tormentors can sabotage almost anything, be it an object, or another Sim’s best efforts. |
Milestone I: | Mostly Harmless |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Artful Trickster |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Professional Prankster |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Chief of Mischief |
Tasks: |
Public Enemy Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4125 |
Reward Trait: | Mastermind: Masterminds know just the right things to say to cause anger, sadness, and jealousy in their opponents. |
Milestone I: | Mostly Harmless |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Neighborhood Nuisance |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Criminal Mind |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Public Enemy |
Tasks: |
Family Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that relate to having your family household last long and improve. This can include letting your Sims go through their lifespan and continue their lineage, or it can even involve their attempts at being parents.Family Aspiration Bonus Trait: Domestic
Function: Domestic Sims will see their familiar relationships grow stronger faster.
Big Happy Family Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 5225 |
Reward Trait: | Matriarch/Patriarch: Matriarchs/Patriarchs provide skill boosts whenever they are around their children. |
Milestone I: | Readily a Parent |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Caregiver |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Loving Guardian |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Big Happy Family |
Tasks: |
Super Parent Aspiration (Parenthood Game Pack)
Total Satisfaction: | 5225 |
Reward Trait: | Role Model: Gives bonus Character Value scoring when near Toddlers, Children, or Teens. |
Milestone I: | Readily a Parent |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Offspring Instructor |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Character Coach |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Super Parent |
Tasks: |
Successful Lineage Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 5325 |
Reward Trait: | Vicarious: By being Vicarious, your Children's skill gains can contribute to your own! |
Milestone I: | Readily a Parent |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Caregiver |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Trusted Mentor |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Successful Lineage |
Tasks: |
Vampire Family Aspiration (Vampires Game Pack)
Total Satisfaction: | 5800 |
Reward Trait: | I am the Master: I am the Master grants supernatural control. Command Powers used on Vampire Offspring always succeed. |
Milestone I: | The Basics |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | I Have the Power |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | I Am Not Alone |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | A New Family |
Tasks: |
Food Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that relate to the food and drinks field. The game lets you cook and create drinks and you can have different careers such as being a chef as well.Food Aspiration Bonus Trait: Essence of Flavor
Function: Sims with Essence of Flavor make higher quality food and drink.
Grilled Cheese Aspiration
Note: This aspiration is hidden. In order to unlock it, you need to eat 3 Grilled Cheese in a row.
Total Satisfaction: | 2925 |
Reward Trait: | Melt Master: Melt Masters have devoted enough of their love and bodies to grilled cheese to truly become Gurus of Gruyere. They can summon Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Paint Grilled Cheese Paintings. |
Milestone I: | Gouda Greenhorn |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Cheddar Connoisseur |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Muenster Maniac |
Tasks: |
Master Chef Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4675 |
Reward Trait: | Fresh Chef: Fresh Chefs always make the highest quality food, and it never spoils! |
Milestone I: | Aluminum Chef |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Captain Cook |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Culinary Artist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Master Chef |
Tasks: |
Master Mixologist Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4425 |
Reward Trait: | Potion Master: Potion Masters can mix potent drinks which can sway the drinker's emotions. |
Milestone I: | Bar Tenderfoot |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Electric Mixer |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Beverage Boss |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Master Mixologist |
Tasks: |
Fortune Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that relate to money making, this can involve letting you Sims go through Businesses. Going through your career will let you get promotions and increase your salaries which will help with this aspiration.Fortune Aspiration Bonus Trait: Business Savvy
Function: Business Savvy Sims earn more money from their careers.
Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4675 |
Reward Trait: | Shrewd: Shrewd Sims receive a direct deposit each week based on their Household Funds. |
Milestone I: | Going for Not Broke |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Learning Earning |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Well-off |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Fabulously Wealthy |
Tasks: |
Mansion Baron Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4500 |
Reward Trait: | Thrifty: Thrifty Sims receive a 10% rebate on all Build Mode purchases made each week. Rebates will be directly applied to Household Funds. |
Milestone I: | Estate of the Art |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | The Great Landscaper |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Home Renovator |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Mansion Baron |
Tasks: |
Knowledge Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that relate to letting your Sims learn through reading. There are different kinds of aspirations that let you master this which will involve your Sim's skills.Knowledge Aspiration Bonus Trait: Quick Learner
Function: Quick Learners build all skills a little bit faster!
Computer Whiz Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 3725 |
Reward Trait: | Webmaster: Webmasters get the most out of their computers, unlocking extremely useful ways to use them. |
Milestone I: | With the Program |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Technically Adept |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Computer Geek |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Computer Whiz |
Tasks: |
Master Vampire Aspiration (Vampires Game Pack)
Total Satisfaction: | 7950 |
Reward Trait: | A True Master: A True Master not only excels at Mind Control Powers, they also have greater stores of Vampire Energy to call upon. |
Milestone I: | The Basics |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Discover Dark Birthrights |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Strength and Wisdom |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | The Ancient One |
Tasks: |
Nerd Brain Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 5000 |
Reward Trait: | Handy: Handy Sims can instantly Fix and Upgrade any object. |
Milestone I: | Prudent Student |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Erudite |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Rocket Scientist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Nerd Brain |
Tasks: |
Renaissance Sim Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 5000 |
Reward Trait: | Professorial: Professorial Sims can write helpful manuals about any skill they're well-versed in. |
Milestone I: | Prudent Student |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Jack of Some Trades |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Pantologist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Renaissance Sim |
Tasks: |
Location Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that relate to your Sims;s home, neighborhood, and specific locations. These include the different packs and expansions available in the game that provide you with new places that you can interact with.Location Bonus Trait: Home Turf
Function: These Sims become Happy when they are in their home neighborhood.
Beach Life Aspiration (Island Living)
Total Satisfaction: | 400 |
Reward Trait: | Laid-Back: Sims who are Laid-Back never become tense. |
Milestone I: | Tourist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Sand-Sifter |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Leisurely Local |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Beach Fixture |
Tasks: |
City Native Aspiration (City Living)
Total Satisfaction: | 4725 |
Reward Trait: | In the Know: Sims who are In the Know can get a massive discount on market stall purchases if they Haggle with vendors. |
Milestone I: | Tourist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Inhabitant |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | City Expert |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | City Native |
Tasks: |
StrangerVille Mystery Aspiration (StrangerVille)
Note: This Aspiration contains Spoilers for the StrangeVille story!
Total Satisfaction: | n/a |
Reward Trait: | Hero of StrangerVille: As the Hero of StrangerVille you will receive fan mail as well as being able to retell the tale of how you defeated the source of the infection. |
Milestone I: | New Resident |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Personal Spy |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Pathogenic Investigator |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Strangerville Hero |
Tasks: |
Love Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that relate to letting your Sims have romantic relationships, this can include going through relationships and having boyfriends/girlfriends. Challenges for this aspiration can include going through a huge number of relationships.Love Aspiration Bonus Trait: Alluring
Function: Alluring Sims are more successful at romance than others.
Serial Romantic Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4125 |
Reward Trait: | Player: Players will never cause other Sims to get jealous, no matter what they do. |
Milestone I: | Amore Amateur |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Up to Date |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Romance Juggler |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Serial Romantic |
Tasks: |
Soulmate Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4325 |
Reward Trait: | Companion: Sims with a Companion have special interactions with their spouse that help ease the trials of life. |
Milestone I: | Amore Amateur |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Marriage Material |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Love Handler |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Soulmate |
Tasks: |
Nature Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that relate to nature, this includes planting, fishing, and getting careers that help out nature.Nature Aspiration Bonus Trait: Collector
Function: Collectors can find rare collectibles more often!
Angling Ace Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4150 |
Reward Trait: | Angler's Tranquility: Sims with Angler's Tranquility will find that all of their problems seem to melt away while they are fishing. |
Milestone I: | Fish out of Water |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Hooked |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Reel Smart |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Angling Ace |
Tasks: |
Eco Innovator Aspiration (Eco Lifestyle Expansion)
Total Satisfaction: | 2100 |
Reward Trait: | Influential Individual: When Influential Individuals speak, everyone listens. They can get the community to cheer on a local hero, or cancel them on a whim. |
Milestone I: | Eco-Economist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Clean City Civilian |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Civil Citizen |
Tasks: |
Freelance Botanist Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4825 |
Reward Trait: | Naturalist: Sims that are Naturalists don't need to fear fire; it won't touch them, and they can extinguish it with ease. |
Milestone I: | Naturewalker |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Garden Variety |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Nature Nurturer |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Freelance Botanist |
Tasks: |
Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4800 |
Reward Trait: | Survivalist: Survivalists are happy roughin’ it and like living off the land. Sleeping under the stars or using camping equipment provides lots of enjoyment. |
Milestone I: | Greenhorn |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Forest Scout |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Wilderness Explorer |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Outdoor Enthusiast |
Tasks: |
The Curator Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4075 |
Reward Trait: | Appraiser: Appraisers can sell collectibles, like Metals, Crystals, Elements, and Fossils to the Simsonian Museum for extra money. |
Milestone I: | Out and About |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Gatherer |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Treasure Hunter |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | The Curator |
Tasks: |
Popularity Aspirations
Lets you choose goals that try to improve your relationship with other Sims in order for them to get popular, this includes creating friends, improving skills such as learning comedy, and interacting with as much sims as possible.Popularity Aspiration Bonus Trait: Gregarious
Function: Popularity
Friend of the World Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4450 |
Reward Trait: | Beloved: Everyone remembers a Beloved Sim! Their relationships never fade. |
Milestone I: | New in Town |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Well Liked |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Super Friend |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Friend of the World |
Tasks: |
Good Vampire Aspiration (Vampires Game Pack)
Total Satisfaction: | 8000 |
Reward Trait: | Regained Humanity: Everyone remembers a Beloved Sim! Their relationships never fade. |
Milestone I: | The Transformation |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Cope with Temptation |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Circle of Trust |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Reject the Beast |
Tasks: |
Joke Star Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4350 |
Reward Trait: | Hilarious: Hilarious Sims can never go wrong with a joke, and have a few extra-special ones up their sleeve. |
Milestone I: | Practical Joker |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Stand-up Start-up |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Funny Businesswoman |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Joke Star |
Tasks: |
Leader of the Pack Aspiration (Get Together)
Total Satisfaction: | 3600 |
Reward Trait: | Natural Leader: Sims that are Natural Leaders will earn Club points much faster, and they will be able to overthrow other leaders with ease. |
Milestone I: | Get Accepted |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Private Gathering |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Spread the Word |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Leader of the Pack |
Tasks: |
Party Animal Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4350 |
Reward Trait: | Perfect Host: Perfect Hosts get a boost to the score of any social event they throw. |
Milestone I: | New in Town |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Welcoming Host |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Sir Gala Had |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | Party Animal |
Tasks: |
World Famous Celebrity Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 4925 |
Reward Trait: | Unstoppable Fame: Sims with Unstoppable Fame are immortalized celebrities, incapable of experiencing fame decay over time. They’re so comfortable in the limelight they’ll never react poorly towards those pesky paparazzi. They also receive an extra Fame Perk point. |
Milestone I: | Aspiring Star |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Somebody |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Rising Star |
Tasks: | |
Milestone IV: | World Famous Celebrity |
Tasks: |
Children’s Aspirations
Lets you choose aspirations as children before they become teenagers and then adults. They don’t have bonus traits, but completing their aspirations as children will provide them with rewards that will help them in their later stages in life.Artistic Prodigy Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 1100 |
Reward Trait: | Creatively Gifted: Creatively Gifted Sims build adult creative skills faster. |
Milestone I: | Active Imagination |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Daydreamer |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Artistic Prodigy |
Tasks: |
Rambunctious Scamp Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 925 |
Reward Trait: | Physically Gifted: Physically Gifted Sims build adult physical skills faster. |
Milestone I: | Energetic |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Agile Developer |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Rambunctious Scamp |
Tasks: |
Social Butterfly Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 975 |
Reward Trait: | Socially Gifted: Socially Gifted Sims build adult social skills faster. |
Milestone I: | Chatterbox |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Popular Kid |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Social Butterfly |
Tasks: |
Whiz Kid Aspiration
Total Satisfaction: | 1175 |
Reward Trait: | Mentally Gifted: Mentally Gifted Sims build adult mental skills faster. |
Milestone I: | Precocious |
Tasks: | |
Milestone II: | Junior Scientist |
Tasks: | |
Milestone III: | Whiz Kid |
Tasks: |
We hope our Sims 4 Aspirations Guide will help you with your gameplay. There are a lot of Aspirations available that you can try out with your Sims. Not only will you help them with their life goals, but you’ll also have to look after their careers, develop their skills, and more. Completing Aspirations is helpful in order for you to get Satisfaction Points at the reward store for some goodies, and you can challenge yourself by completing as much as you want.
When choosing your Aspiration, it would be best to give your Sims a career that can relate to it as well, as well as skills that will help with their aspirations. Please don’t forget to check our following guides as well for more information about careers and skills:
Careers Overview
Skills Guide